Monday, September 29, 2008

Couples Night

Well we had our first couples night last Saturday. A total of eight couples came to dinner and seven couples went to the movie afterward ( a total of about 12 couples all together!)Correct me if Im wrong-unless Im getting paid, my math is not so good. I am so excited that there was such a great turn out!! There are a few things I would do differently for next time...One is dinner will definatly have to be earlier for those who want to eat-at a restaurant that takes reservations!WE went to Red Lobster and it was very packed, but cozy and we all had a great time. About the movie... Im really not sure that I recommend Fireproof. I felt it was very preachy and had a old school traditional view of salvation. I almost got nauseous when the dad started talking about how God's standards were so high that we could never reach them and thats why we need forgiveness...What the heck??? I was filtering it extra critically because I know that one of the couples does not know God and I was so dissapointed in how the movie portrayed our awesome God....The salvation message aside, it was a beautiful depiction of what real unconditional love would look like if you started to place it in your marriage. Although Christians still struggle with looking at porn, and nonChristians can still have a great marriage- I felt like for those of us who do believe and still struggle in marriage it was motivational. I would love for some of you to comment back because like I said, my view was a little tainted because I was so worried about what the couple who didn't know God was thinking. I cant wait until Enjoy magazine comes out for october to see what we can do this next month for couples night. I was thinking of going to Hawes Ranch....Nothing says romance like a big cotten candy and a moonlight ride on the cow train through the corn fields. Right? I will try to get kid care provided if you want to go as a date or we can be family friendly this next month.Let me know what you guys would like to see for couples night in the next few months. And if any one is picking up a copy of The Love Dare-let me know how it goes...around day 20.
Love you all, thanks for comming