Tuesday, July 14, 2009

its been so long!

Alright so its been forever and I havent had any time or ideas this year but Jamie and Rebecca had a great idea for a couples night and I loooove it!!
There is free kayaking on whiskytown at night on a full moon every month. Wouldnt it be awesome to paddle around the lake with your person on a full moon?!
So Im hoping that I have the next full moon week/weekend off and we can have a couples night.
Further information to follow as we get a little closer to our next full moon.
I hope you guys are all doing great in your relationships and I want to leave you with this cool marriage thought from my favorite marriage authors the Parrotts.
For reflection:
As you survey the landscape of your marriage, what kinds of attitudes do you see? If you are like most couples, you could probably use an attitiude tune-up. If so, what single attitiudes do you need to change the most? Switch your mindset to look for the positive, What positive things have you reently been overlooking in your relationship?
that is from an awesome book that changed my life. hope it envokes thought. Cant wait to see you on the lake!