Sunday, July 6, 2008

Social Fog

I realized something last week. (amazing I know)
We, as women (maybe not you, but several that I have talked to) , tend to feel as though we are on the outside looking in at everyone.
I thought I was so alone in that feeling, with everyone else having these friends so close, and millions of things in common, and very full social schedules with all their friends pining for their every second....Talking with some girls, whom I thought fit these descriptions, I realized that this is not the case. We are in fact, a lonely generation after all!
I have been in hiding, a strange place for an outspoken itallian-ish girl. It has felt uneasy, like a fog. The less I put my self out there socially, the less I felt like trying. I don't even know that girl who greeted everyone when we first moved as a church. I have had to really claw spiritually and emotionally to get out of that fog. Things are still a little hazy, but a lot clearer in the sense that I will continue to reach for people like I have and maybe it will feel natural again, like it used to. It's interesting though, does it happen when we grow up and realize that we can't be everyone's friend, or something happens and we stop trying, or should we chalk it up to "social anxiety" and allow it to enfold us? The last seems the only clear no. Otherwise I have no answer but to fight it because it doesn't feel good. We should all reach out a little, I know that I appreciate those who did to me.


Rebecca Gafner said...

I am so glad we had our talk last night Angie. I love you dearly. Thank you for your heart, and your friendship. As i was cleaning the house last night, and after talking to you, I was tthinking about this series we are in right now, "Becoming who you are" and aren't we all on a journey? As we grow spiritually, and numerically, we are changing and becoming more of who we are and who God made us to be, constantly. We HAVE to keep centered and our identity in Christ, otherwise i think we drift into this social insecurity, that we aren't good enough, or don't quite fit in anywhere, or feel like on the outside looking in. But once we put our focus back where it should be, and off ourselves (which has been so me lately) God will totally provide our needs and desires. And as women, we totally need that.
This is crazy long. Sorry. Love you, and thank you for sharing!!

Rosetta Borgic said...

It is so amazing how many women struggle with this from time to time. I think we all do. Rebecca's comment is so right on. Our identity and confidence is not from ourselves. Thank you so much for sharing.

Unknown said...

I love and miss the Headricks.

Juliette said...

Angie - I'm so glad you posted again - I loved reading your last one! I totally know where you are coming from in this isolation/feeling on the outside business. I blogged something similar a couple weeks ago. I think you are right on that it is something that the enemy attacks women with. We so want to be included, loved, wanted and known. I hope it gives you comfort to know that you are not alone, but more than that, I hope that we as women can rise above it and start to conquer it! I think its obvious that God wants us to take authority over this since so many women have "fessed up" about these feelings lately. So, thanks for sharing and lets conquer this thing!

And btw I was really looking forward to star gazing/bbq to get to see and learn more about the Headricks! So sad it didn't work out! Hopefully we'll find an opportunity to connect soon!

Amy said...

I feel you, Angie! I feel like everyone has these great lives full of social gatherings and I am outside wanting that. I like what Rebecca wrote. I need to be proactive instead of waiting for life to happen. I wanted to tell you, how appreciated you make me feel when working in nursery. Your smile and thanks can be the blessing I need after a difficult night in a room of toddlers. Thanks Angie :)

Leah said...

Angie, you are such a blessing! You have such valuable insights and don't ever let the enemy tell you that what you think and feel is worthless and that no one will understand. I love Rebecca's comment; I am learning that when we are focused on ourselves and relying on our own power and skills, we have to struggle to "keep up appearances" but when we turn our focus to the Lord, He starts shining in us and we can just let go and be who He created us to be! What an incredible freedom!

Anonymous said...

I totally know what you mean Angie. It is good to hear that other women are struggling with this too. Everyone on here made great comments and I agree. I think we should all stick together and not let the enemy bring us down.

On another note. I am so thankful that Chad fixed my car for me, I don't know what else I would have done. And your kids are such a blessing to have around. You all are welcome over any time. Angelina can't stop talking about her new friends :)