Thursday, October 23, 2008

yeeehaw for the cow train!

Its fall and seriously you will be very sad going in to winter with out eating some kettle corn, shooting some pumpkins out of cannons and riding the cow train. Its your country roots showing if you're feeling excited right now. The child care thing got complecated so dont call Lisa, call me if you need child care, I am figuring that out right now. It will all work out. We may grab some coffee or dessert after the Hawes experience so if you can get a late night baby sitter, awesome! If you can get grandma to just keep the kids so you have the full effect of a date night, even better! Hope to see you there!
Love you all


Juliette said...

We're hoping to be there! I love fall stuff like this - it reminds me of my childhood in upstate NY. We're going to try to get the grandparents to watch Ruby - I'm crossing my fingers!

Sarah said...

hey ang..let me know if you need some help childcare wise...i'll be happy to help with whatever you need...or whoever else needs help..845-548-2824...or comment me.:)